Aura Cleansing: Signs Your Energy Field Needs Detoxification
What is Aura Cleansing?
Aura Cleansing:- Do you need an energetic cleansing and an aura detox?
The Aura (energy field) surrounding and permeating your body is as important as your physical body, though much finer and less easy to perceive. It is as important to keep the Aura clean as it is to keep the physical body clean.
When the Aura is clean the colors are clear and beautiful and the energy flows harmoniously. When the Aura is in need of cleansing the colors are dull and stagnant looking and the energies move sluggishly.
Depending of the amount, location and level of toxification. A dirty Aura can cause various levels of distress and discomfort in both the physical, spiritual, mental and emotional areas of your life..
How Does the Energy Field Get Dirty
The Aura acts as both a protection and a transmitter and receiver of energy and information. When you are in good spirits and in good health, the aura is bright and vibrant and naturally dispels negative energy and repels harmful attachments.
This is why its so important to keep healthy and positive. However, there are times in life when this is just not possible. You may be ill, or upset, or someone may have hurt you, or you are grieving. You may be in a stressful situation, or surrounded by negative and obnoxious people. It is at times like these, when your defenses are down, that negative energies and attachments can permeate and then reside in your aura.
How To Recognize Your Energy Field Needs Detoxification?
- Low Energy
- Stuck in negative thought patterns
- Self destructive behavior
- Sluggishness
- Feeling heavy and weighed down
- General unease – physical, emotional and mental
- Grumpy, moody and angry for no apparent reason
Other Factors To Consider
Before considering Aura Cleansing there are some basic questions to ask yourself.
Are you eating well? Getting enough sleep? Doing enough healthy exercise? Are you protecting yourself from EMFs?
Are you habitually surrounded by negative people and placing yourself in stressful situations?
An Aura Cleanse is going to help whatever your situation. Realistically though, if you are not eating healthily, exercising regularly, or sleeping properly and if you surround yourself with negative people, an Aura Cleanse can only go so far in improving your situation..
On the other hand, an Aura Detox can help remove some of the negative energies/influences that contribute to leading an unhealthy and self destructive lifestyle.
So the wisest course of action would seem to be – cleansing your Aura regularly alongside making the necessary lifestyle improvements and changes.
Aura Reading Techniques
Sensing visually
You can see the Aura and can see when and where it needs cleansing. There are ways to learn how to see the aura for yourself.
Sensing using the hands
With your hands you can sense the condition of the energy field and feel the energy blockages and negative attachments. You can learn how to sense the aura..
Sensing using the mind
You can read the aura using your mind’s eye, with your eyes closed. You can have an inner knowing of the state of the aura; the colors and the way the energies flow.. This is very useful when cleansing your own aura or when giving Distance Healing.
Methods Of Aura Cleansing
As you shower, imagine the water cleaning your Aura and washing away any blockages and negativity. You can add salt to the water for an extra special cleanse.
You can cleanse the Aura using smudging – burning Sage or Palo Santo and using the smoke to cleanse your Aura.
Using your mind
Intent is one of the most powerful tools for Aura Cleansing and Aura Detox.
You can clear your energy field of negativity and fill it with light using visualization and intent..
Using your hands
You can use your hands in sweeping motions from the top of your head down to the ground. Rather like brushing your hair – sweeping the stagnant and stuck energies down and away and into the ground.
Going out into Nature
Standing barefoot on the ground, sitting under a tree, bathing in the sea, sitting by a running stream. These are all ways to cleanse your aura, most especially if you add intention to your time spent out in nature.
Using sound for an Aura Detox
Sound baths, bells, certain music and Tuning Forks – these can all be used for an Aura Cleanse.
Guided Meditation
Here is a guided meditation and a powerful Aura Cleanse
Getting help from a friend or professional
You can get a knowledgeable friend or a professional to cleanse your aura for you.
How Often Should You Cleanse Your Aura?
There is no hard and fast rule as to how often to cleanse your Aura. Getting to know the condition of your Aura is a way to self knowledge. With practice you will get to know how and when your Aura needs cleansing.
Some people cleanse their Aura at the end of each day. Others have a regular routine and cleanse their Aura once a week. Some cleanse their Aura whenever they have been around other people, for example in Supermarkets or in Hospitals. Others cleanse their Aura when they feel they have picked up a negative attachment and know it is adversely affecting their mood and health.
How often you cleanse your Aura will depend on many factors including your life style, sensitivity, desire, state of health, frequency and spare time. For example, if you feel that Aura Cleansing makes a significant positive difference in your life, you will make absolutely sure that you give yourself a regular cleanse.
Aura Healing Benefits
Clarity of thought
- Positive thought patterns
- Greater energy and vitality,
- Balanced emotions
- Less mood swings
- More ability to follow through on goals
- Enhanced feelings of well-being
There are various ways of cleansing your Aura, as listed above. Some require the expenditure of greater time and energy and some have a greater efficacy than others. Though trying out these various techniques, you will discover for yourself, the positive effect that cleansing your Aura will have on your life. This will dictate just how much of an investment you make into doing this activity. From a daily shower with intent for example, to learning how to use Tuning Forks or learning how to sense and read Auras..
The practice of Aura Cleansing will teach you more about yourself and how you interact energetically with the world around you. As well as help generate a greater feeling of overall good health and enhanced well-being,